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Malvern has helped thousands of Australians get back on their feet. 


You are not alone. We are here to help you too. 


I would have liked to hear more about the DP before the last week of treatment. I love the DP, it’s as important as the inpatient program.

John, 24yrs

I cannot thank the incredible team at MPH enough for what you all did for me. I can attest that my life since walking through your doors has ensured a healthier and sober life for me. I know the road to recovery is ongoing, however you have all given me the skills to commit putting in the hard yards.


I really didn’t get how the MPH process works…but after further treatment and understanding more about CBT and mindfulness, I now have better appreciation for the program.

Andra, 58yrs

I found MPH very helpful part of recovery, I discovered 12-step is for me. I found different staff inconsistent with the rules and this impacted on me.

Rose 48yrs

MPH was a life changer. At times I felt like I wanted to focus on my adult trauma and kept on being redirected to look at childhood trauma. My counsellor was really great with my discharge planning.

Hayley, 37yrs

My husband and two daughters were so impressed with the family evening offered to families of clients at MPH every Tuesday to support their understanding of the disease and their emotions and feelings in supporting someone with addiction. Very impressive support program. Thank you.


MPH helped me acknowledge my MH needs, and to address these…not just addiction… a good eye opener.

Sal, 33yrs

I’m grateful for MPH in hindsight.

Anthony, 25yrs

MPH quite literally saved my life, but that was just the beginning. The therapeutic programme they provided gave me a rock-solid foundation for lasting recovery from my 25 years of alcoholism. It was the most deeply challenging experience of my life, I can’t lie. But I came away with a full understanding of my addiction and the underlying trauma that drove it, and a blueprint for how to heal over time. I gained a radically altered attitude to life and a heap of tools to help me maintain my sobriety in the outside world. Also, their outpatient support programmes were invaluable as I established myself during my first few months of recovery. I cannot recommend MPH highly enough, nor adequately express my gratitude to everyone there for their professionalism, skill and compassionate care. If you are genuinely ready to embrace the challenge and do whatever it takes to get free from addiction, this is the place to start.

Ben B

I found the strictness of the program the most helpful… whilst uncomfortable at the beginning.

Simon, 28yrs

I was here in 2014 and 5th admission to a rehab. This program has come leaps and bounds. I will recommend this program to anyone who wants help.


The last drink I ever had was in a housing commission flat in Melbourne. Alcohol had taken away everything I ever had in my life. My wife, my children, my house, my career, my soul. There was a time that I lived and worked as an accomplished professional with multiple university degrees. By the time I entered Malvern Private, it was all gone. It was with the support and care that I received from all the staff and clients at Malvern that I was able to slowly rebuild my life. Through the group process and the individual care that I received, I left those doors with the hope that I need not ever drink or use drugs ever again. I found a new sense of self and a belief that I could again become the man that I wanted to be. Today, my family are an active part of my life and I have a fulfilling career that I love. I am at peace with myself. Malvern Private gave me the opportunity to rediscover my life and the tools to pursue my new dreams.


MPH was fantastic..saved my life.

J Borg

I think the follow up that MPH provides is really important and sets you guys ahead of the rest. I needed the program.

Chris, 31yrs

I have nothing but accolades for the staff….I don’t know how they do it….an amazing experience!

N. Newman

Following discharge I would have liked to be updated on programs – different meetings MPH have available.

Nicole, 55yrs

I came out (MPH) feeling really positive, that recovery is possible. My subsequent lapse would have been chronic, but because of the program I’ve been able to continue my recovery. It gave me the foundation.

Noel, 36yrs

I found the program very helpful. Found some counsellors made you feel uncomfortable.

Mendo, 67yrs

To home it may concern. I am a current client at MPH and have had an addiction to alcohol and drugs for over 30 years. For the past 16 years I have been in and out of detox and residential rehabs, the longest stay being 18 months. While these have been helpful, I didn’t learn enough to stay clean and sober. My experience at MPH, having spent 6 weeks here, is by far, head and shoulders over anywhere else I’ve been. I have learnt the tools here, based around the 12 step program concept, which I believe will hopefully end my fight with drugs and alcohol. ALL staff here have been most helpful and respectful to me. I feel MHP has not only saved but changed my life.


“When my GP sent me to Malvern I was nothing more than a shell. I was void of any hope of being able to live a life free from the torment of addiction. I had reached a point where I could not live without alcohol and I could no longer live with it, or with the pain of feeling my families and loved ones suffer as they watched me slowly kill myself.

I came to Malvern looking for nothing more than respite, I had tried multiple other programs and failed, yet it was at Malvern that I found a life like I had not ever experienced before. Dr Jack lit the initial glimmer of hope in me when I fi rst saw him, and that was to ignite my recovery fi re. It was the staff and the program that were able to fuel that with the knowledge and tools that I needed create a recovery that has let me live again. My recovery has allowed me to pursue a new path with my nursing and I now have the fortunate position of being a member of the nursing team at Malvern Private where I am able to be a part of other’s recovery journey.”


Everything I learned at MPH was a bonus. Staff were amazing. It comes down to the care I received and the effort I put in . I think the DP is essential!

Damien, 51yrs

I think the MPH program and staff are amazing.

Emma, 24yrs

Living life on the edge slowly turned from excitement and mystery to disaster and chaos. I lost all connection with the world I knew and those I loved. My attempts to change and fix everything were short-lived and I became frustrated – the more I tried the worse things became. The honesty and insight I found during my Malvern Private experience set a foundation for positive change in ways I could never have imagined or hoped for.

“Starting the Family Support Program at Malvern Private was invaluable.” Starting the Family Support Program at Malvern Private was invaluable. My Mum, my two sisters and I attended each week whilst Dad started his treatment, and we all continued to attend once he completed the 28 day stay. The education and strategies we learnt were amazing, and the team at Malvern Private were so extremely supportive. The staff helped us understand and work through issues as a family, but we also realised that individually we have a journey to go through, which really helped me cope.

Dad was grateful we were attending the program because we covered the strategies and principles he too was learning in his program. I believe that as a family unit we are much stronger and supportive today for having been part of the Family Support Program.


When I entered the program at Malvern Private I was beaten. I was on leave from work and my family did not know what to do with me. I could not function on a day to day basis; even doing the food shopping was a trial. Alcohol ruled my life. I was scared but knew that something had to change. The day I started the program at Malvern my life began to change. The counsellors helped me to understand my addiction and what steps I needed to take to overcome it. I learnt how to listen and how to live life on life’s terms.

The daily group sessions were a huge part of my recovery as we discussed our problems in a safe and supportive environment. There were certainly ups and downs in my recovery and the staff at the hospital were always there to motivate me. Even now the counsellors continue to help me maintain my sobriety and support me through any issues I have. Those 28 days were some of the most challenging of my life, but I would not change them for anything.

My life has been turned around.


My boys feel like they have their mum back. I now have their trust & respect.

Amy, 49yrs

The team and the program are nothing short of phenomenal.

Penny, 44yrs

The Program was strict, but pretty good. There’s nothing I would change

John, 42yrs

Click here to read a heart felt response from a patient discharged July 2021.


After 16 years of a vicious addiction to multiple substances, I found that no matter how I tried to clean up I would slip back into the same cycle of scoring, petty crimes, court and then self detoxification all to no avail. After realising I wasn’t able to stop myself and my loving family was not either, we found Malvern Private on the internet. I arrived not knowing what to expect but I can honestly say the tools/education I received there was what I was missing in all my previous attempts and the experience of the staff. I am now clean from all drugs and can honestly say I have never been happier in myself. My confidence is growing, and I feel I can tackle any challenges life brings good and bad. That’s again due to the hope and tools I found at Malvern Private I thought I was all alone in my dark times of addiction, but I now know I wasn’t and I’m not alone in my recovery either with the support of peers (fellow recovering people) and of course the Malvern Private staff.

“We have walked in your shoes”


I thought it (MPH) was excellent, especially the varied groups/counsellors. I found it physically challenging – extremely long days (for a 60yo with Fibromyalgia).

H. Ayre

Thank you Malvern Private Hospital for saving my marriage and health. The last rehab centre wan’t well structured and as disciplined as MPH. The program they have to offer is very well organised and the staff are amazing. So if anyone is choosing a rehab centre I highly recommend MPH. Thank you for saving my life MPH.

David E

Amazing program for me. Tremendous ongoing support.

Kirsten, 51yrs

I was an inpatient in 2018 and haven’t looked back life has never been better.

Laural L, 44yrs

Today I am 80 days clean in recovery. I wanted to thank Malvern Private Hospital for their guidance and support. I am back at work. My family is well. Thank you.


Eternally grateful for the program!

Kate 51yrs

Malvern Private has provided me with an invaluable multi-dimensional program of rehabilitation which involved connect my past to understand who I am today. By understanding my true feelings I am better equiped to examine my relationships, career and life goals holistically. The AA 12 step program envelopes the program personal reflection and provides a clear direction and accountability moving to recovery. I highly recommend the program to anyone suffering from addition.


I found (MPH) good.. I stayed 6 weeks so some of the presentations got repetitive.

Paul, 50yrs

I thought it (MPH) was excellent. especially the varied groups/counsellors. I found it physically challenging.

Helen, 60yrs